Sunday, January 10, 2016

travel long and travel far Mr C

The girls and I spent a really lovely day yesterday and for a very long time in the afternoon my seester and I chatted on skype, she had just come back from Cambridge where she visited Jon and Colin. He was poory but still hanging on and wanting to go back home and leave hospice, it was decided this was the plan even if it meant Colin would do it. We joked that he would go in the Cambridge Dog Walker van.

My brother is coping, his house was a disaster so Sally cleaned it for him and tidied up. We chatted and laughed and then I had to go as the girls were meeting friends from swimming for dinner.

We arrived home to a message, the inevitable news about Jon. My heart truly breaks for Colin. they were the yin to the yang the tick to the tock. They have so many friends so so so many friends some incredible people that I know will step in and carry him through this but I am worried. The loss he has suffered is gargantuan. The outpouring of love on facebook is  amazing to see and I know in person it will be no different.

RIP in Coe. you were a very good man. one of your friends wrote these words about you that sum it all up the best, if love could heal Jon would be running marathons.

And later, much later last night, I glanced at the clock and realised it had stopped, it stopped at the same time Jon did. Well he was a magician after all. You cheeky bloody devil.


  1. Please give my sympathies to your brother.

  2. I am so, so sorry for brother's loss. And your loss too. Absolutely heartbreaking. What a lovely couple there were. :(
