Monday, April 25, 2016

and then this happened

I'm about to be the parent of a high school student. Time is flying by. I always knew that I wanted kiddies and somehow always pictured them teeny tiny. HAH.

They grow.

Yesterday we went to the beach and I took one photo, yes that was all

When I got home I looked at it and this is what I saw:
The first time I ever took my 2 children to the beach
Rosie hated it with all of her heartI

In reality, this is the photo I took.  Time stands still for no man (or Mama)
I wouldn't change a minute of it but I do wish it would all slow down and here is the further proof that the Pickle was not a fan of sand
Seriously the most pathetic face ever. 
Times have changed now she loves it and hates to leave


  1. I have said recently that we all know that life is short, theoretically. But if you want to know it down to your core, have a child (or two!). One minute they are small and dependent upon us, and the next they are doing something we thought was off in the distant future. I'm not sure that I like it. ;)

  2. You know what they say "Don't blink! You may miss something!"

  3. They have grown up so fast! Beautiful girls!!
