Sunday, October 14, 2018

nopety nope nope

I don't like halloween at all.

Not one little bit in fact.

But I do love to decorate.

And I do love to craft and make stuff.

So in that mindset, Halloween isn't so bad and it does kick off the decorating frenzy that is the holidays.

A couple of years ago I bought some little rectangular blocks of wood at a craft shop and some people-ish shaped pieces and after a few hours the girls and I, mainly Rosie and I had sawed, sanded and painted a spooky halloween town. I store all the little pieces in a tin and it has become a favourite moment that I just love when I take off the lid each year and look at all the designs within.

Yesterday I decided we were lacking in the decor department so I ran to Joanns and picked up some cheesecloth and little polystyrene balls and voila, some ghosts were born.

You can keep your scary Halloween and I'll celebrate with a cute hallo-weenie